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Is your cookie jar approach still working to grow your money?

It is well said that the key to build wealth is to have good habits.
Your cookie jar helps you to save money. Nowadays, there are modern piggy-box with electronic panel and password to open the box. Even i bought it for my kids and asked them to lock with a password and forget it. The issue is my kids remember the password. It's same with all of us.

Saving money and investing it are closely connected. In order to invest money, you first have to save some money. Life has many uncertain events and we need money for all the time, we have to make habit to “not use the money” now. According to some experts, you can avoid using money on shopping when you delay that luring purchase to another 30 days.

Blog - Is your cookie jar approach still working to grow your money?

Saving Habit makes the difference. Apart from saving do you want your savings to grow.

In any bank, savings have many common withdrawals and money never grows. Even the bank offer you any high percentage of interest, your habit of withdrawals make it difficult to earn it.

You would be surprised if you find revolutionary financial product that helps your savings to grow even you have not changed you habit (at some extent) to withdrawal frequently.

Tasthana is a Financial Deposit Saving Product that lets you earn and calculate at every withdrawal. Not only this, it will increase your saving similar to recurring deposit keeping the exact reconciliation of all deposits and withdrawals at the end your tenure.

For more detail, please visit Tasthana - Fully Flexible Bank Deposits